William Ingham
Configuration of Forces
University of Washington Press,
Spring/Summer 2003 for the book "William Ingham Configuration
of Forces" by Matthew Kangas
"The art of William Ingham demonstrates how the modernist tradition,
Specifically Abstract Expressionism, has flourished in the Pacific
This lavishly illustrated volume brings to a wider audience the
Seattle born artist's highly gestural and vividly colored abstract
paintings. Exploring gesture, form, scale, color, touch and texture,
Ingham's paintings are exuberant statements.
Tracing the artist's evolution through detailed analyses of
individual Works, distinguished art critic Matthew Kangas builds the
case for Ingham's significance and, in so doing, broadens the
literature on Pacific Northwest art to include non-regional
influences on artists of the area, drawing Northwest art closer to
other modernist traditions and innovations in American art."
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